The Internet changed the way we do things, allowing us to purchase products and services through a single click, a model that was popularized even more thanks to the pandemic, where thousands of advertisers found themselves with a lot to offer and very few channels to make it known, due to restrictions imposed by the strict quarantines. It was then, in that moment of high demand and few channels to access the offer, and the digital platforms they found the ideal solution to this break in the chain of sale and to have a digital channel was no longer an extra and has become a necessity.
If you are not already selling online and don't know what is the right platform to market their products or services, then this article can be of great help. Below, we will show you some of the advantages of selling through a website or do it for instagram, for you to decide according to your budget and needs, which is the right one for your business. Let's start from the web:
- Increase your sales: With a web page can be present 24 hours a day, assuring that their customers can check their catalog of products or services at any time. This means that you will be able to generate sales or leads outside of the regular opening time and without additional costs.
- You can configure all of the detailsThrough your website you can sell without intermediaries or third parties, in addition, you can manage your inventory, logistics, shipping and the discounts that you want to do; all possibilities are in its hands to offer the experience that you have in mind.
- Anyone can find it: Through a good SEO strategy can position it in the search engines through terms that people commonly use to find related products or services. This will make anyone on the web can find you and be interested in what you offer. Our recommendation is that you optimize your continued content on the web.
- Sell a place in your web page: To obtain additional revenue by placing ads on your website through tools such as Google AdSense and Google AdWords. However, keep in mind that this could affect the experience users have on your site.
- Generate trust: Have a web page and keep it updated content will provide you with credibility, which will cause people to doubt less than buying in your website and even recommend which will allow you to reach more potential customers.
Do you know these benefits of having a website? In summary, it is a great tool to publicize their products and services, however, is not the only option to do so, we will now look at the benefits of sales through Instagram:
- Sell with ease: Through tools such as Instagram Shopping, you can make sales through the creation of a catalogue of products that will attract their customers. In addition, you can add tags to your posts making them interactive, which makes it concrete sales through this channel.
- You will find more easily: You can create sponsored ads on Instagram that will allow you to reach more potential customers. The best part is that the pattern is inside of the platform is not costly, however, the value of your investment will vary according to the objective, the number of days of sponsorship, ad format, among other variables.
- Greater visibility without any investment: Use tools such as hashtags or geolocation. Hashtags allow users to easily find your type of content, giving you greater visibility within the platform without any investment. On the other hand, the geolocation will allow you to add your publications to your location, which will make your content rank better, and that to appear to the people who live near to your physical store (if you have one).
- Upgrade constantly: Through the stories you can explain the features, operation, or offers you have for your products. In addition, you can add a sticker to which users are directed specifically to that product and complete your purchase. This tool will also allow you to stop the relevant information about your business in the spotlight stories which will give them more confidence about what you offer.
- Create high-quality content is the key: In this social network you do not need to create content exclusively about your product, but also be able to address topics related to the interests of its users. In addition, to being a social network so visual, it is the perfect showcase for your products or services will look, attracting the attention of all your potential customers, you can make your business communication something memorable.
Do you already know which one is the ideal platform for you? Note that both are very useful tools to reach more potential customers, but also require perseverance and investment to give satisfactory results. Our recommendation if you are just starting is to make your sales through Instagram, however, if you have a larger budget of investment, you will find that a website is the choice for you as that would simplify the process to shoppers, and employees, saving costs and streamlining processes. If this issue still is not entirely clear, and requires a personalized advice, please do not hesitate to contact us!