Would you like your brand memorable? Imagine making people associate with positive emotions and doing that will not only remember it, but, wanting to recommend it to all his acquaintance, and therefore, increase their clientele, thanks to the voice-to-voice, a perfect scenario for any brand, and more just when it is in its early stages!.
Below we show some key aspects that should be taken into account to communicate the ideals of your brand in an effective way from the beginning:
- Determines who is the target audience: Uno de los primeros pasos es investigar cuál es el perfil de las personas a las que se quieren hablar, por ejemplo, se podría cuestionar sobre sus comportamientos, estilo de vida, sus hobbies o incluso sus aspiraciones. A la hora de crear ese público objetivo piensa en personas, ¿sería hombre, mujer, o no tendría género?, ¿Qué edad tendría?, ¿Qué lugares frecuentaría? ¡Entre más se puedan conocer mejor!
It should be noted that while our product or service may be users of different ages and tastes, there will always be a segment most likely to your purchase and it is this that we need to focus the majority of our communication.
- We love brands with purpose: A very relevant for your brand is to establish a purpose that will serve as a guide. Have a unique purpose that will make your brand stand out and reach the right people what You thought of what is the purpose of your brand to be?
Some ideas of purpose can go hand in hand with social causes such as the inclusion of a place for themselves or ex-combatants, environmental causes, with the creation of sustainable brands or passions themselves as well as the support of foundations of animals. The important thing is, that in all that you do is noticed, its purpose, and that whatever you choose to do, go hand-in-hand with their values.
- What is your brand have to offer?: Make known your brand is a promise to the people a number of benefits, for example: to Be experts in a field of action, have features that benefit customers and the competition doesn't have, or the type of product or service you are offering. You must have in mind that perception plays a key role in this aspect.
Remember that the key here is focused on promising what is offered, it is not necessary to have dozens of differentials, a single differential cumplible is enough to create a communication strategy and remembrance around.
- Defines how you want it to look its mark: Visual recognition is a powerful tool that will allow you to differentiate yourself from your competition. Ensure that the construction of identity visual design is simple, and easy to understand, this will cause your brand to be versatile and memorable.
This visual aspect covers everything from the creation of the logo, typography, colors and types of images to use across various platforms.
- How to express your brand?: The voice of a brand is in charge of reflect aspects such as the personality and attributes, for that reason, you must ensure that the voice of your brand is suited to the target audience. For example, if you have a young audience the brand voice can't be formal, orientate yourself more towards a voice friendly or outgoing.
- The changes are not always good: The change aspects of the brand repetitively only create inconsistency, making sure their customers are confused and even lost the credibility of the brand. Now, therefore, it should be noted that never change can also be negative, it is recommended to make changes every 5 to 10 years to keep you at the forefront without being inconsistent.
- Looking for inspiration: Si se encuentra estancad@ en alguno de los puntos anteriores es momento de buscar inspiración. Encuentra referentes que ayuden a establecer pautas de lo que se quiera ver en en su marca o también se puede hacer una lluvia de ideas con sus amigos o socios, nunca se sabe qué idea podría surgir.
To conclude, do not forget that the coherence and consistency are two key points in the construction of your brand, since it not only will give confidence to a potential customer, but it will make you connect with the brand and keep interacting with it.
Finally, if after reviewing the above points still have questions, don't hesitate to contact us!